An emotional masterpiece of the love between father and son. A junior high school student Kuwae Ryo lives in a small town, Chatan-cho which is located in the center of Okinawa's main island. He makes a friend with an American boy Kevin whom he met at a Karate school, but Kevin accidentally shoots Ryo's father with a gun. Meanwhile, Ryo discovers a past secret of his father.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Kenta Kamiya, Yuna Matsuda, Shunji Tsuda, Hayato Fujiki, Sean Fukushi, Johnny Ginowan
Crew: Kotarô Ohgimi (Writer), Naoya Oshiro (Director), Naoya Ohshiro (Writer)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Yoshimoto Kogyo, Yoshimoto Creative Agency
Runtime: 99 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 31, 2010
IMDb: 10