"Rasigan" is a short film that follows a day in the life of Ranjith, a devoted fan of the Tamil actor Thalapathy Vijay. The film shows how the presence of his idol influences Ranjith's daily activities, from waking up to music to conversations with his friends. Through this portrait, "Rasigan" illustrates the impact of a celebrity on the lives of their fans.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Ranjith, Dilushan, Kabinath
Crew: Kabinath (Producer), Ranjith (Writer), Paul Turgot (Music Director), Kavishan (Clapper Loader), Fleur Bernard Du Haut Cilly (Title Designer), Nisshanth (Producer)
Country: France
Language: தமிழ்
Studio: Namma Padam
Runtime: 5 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jun 08, 2024
IMDb: 10