This chilling short-film follows the story of protagonist KIONA (Lily Beacham) and her flatmates OUTACITE (Avi Singh), ALO (Jackson Terry), and MIKA (Brian Ndayishimiye) dealing with an unexpected outbreak of Skinwalkers across the globe.
Stars: Lily Beacham, Avi Singh, Jackson Terry, Brian Ndayishimiye, Winston Katoanga
Crew: Emma Vuglar (Director), Destiny Waitere (Director of Photography), Winston Katoanga (Co-Writer), Troy Harrison (BTS Photographer), Troy Harrison (Gaffer), Tianqi Sun (Boom Operator)
Language: English
Studio: Unitec Films
Runtime: 5 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Sep 26, 2024
IMDb: 1
Keywords:short film