Narrated by Golden Globe winner, Donald Sutherland, this is the incredible story of Ailo, the little reindeer. This uplifting tale follows the journey of baby Ailo as he navigates his first year of life in the snowy landscapes of a picturesque Lapland. Frail and vulnerable, Ailo must learn to walk, run, leap and hide to ensure he survives the long, treacherous journey with the herd. Ailo’s Journey is an inspirational story, in which a bleak wilderness is warmed by a mother’s endless love as she watches over Ailo in his incredible adventures with other creatures of the Arctic.
Genre: Documentary, Family, Adventure
Stars: Donald Sutherland, Aldebert
Crew: Guillaume Maidatchevsky (Director), Guillaume Maidatchevsky (Writer), Jani Pinomaa (Grip), Janina Witkowski (First Assistant Camera), Laurent Baudens (Producer), Svein Andersen (Associate Producer)
Country: Finland, France
Language: Français
Studio: Borsalino Productions, MRP Matila Röhr Productions, Gaumont, Valdés
Runtime: 75 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Dec 21, 2018
IMDb: 4.4