As the countdown to graduation begins, students at Osborne High are being stalked by a maniac intent on exposing their darkest secrets to the entire town, terrorizing victims while wearing a life-like mask of their own face. With a mysterious past of her own, Makani and her friends must discover the killer's identity before they become victims themselves.
Stars: Sydney Park, Théodore Pellerin, Asjha Cooper, Dale Whibley, Jesse LaTourette, Diego Josef
Crew: Megan Harkness (Assistant Makeup Artist), Daphne Lambrinou (Post Production Supervisor), Henry Gayden (Co-Producer), Nicholas Monsour (Additional Editor), Kacey McDougall (Assistant Art Director), Ana Oparnica Sebal (Script Supervisor)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: 21 Laps Entertainment, Atomic Monster
Runtime: 96 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Sep 24, 2021
IMDb: 5.6