A gripping drama, "Amiri & Aroha," a Māori take on Romeo and Juliet is set against a background of gang rivalry and betrayal filmed on New Zealand's stunning East Cape. Featuring an outstanding ensemble cast, including Kristel Day (who co-produced with David Whittet), Michael Hollis, Cushla Tangaere, Shayne Biddle (recently acclaimed for his performance in the Strength of Water) and Walter Walsh. The original music, including two haunting Māori songs, was composed and performed by Tia Takarangi-Chan.
Genre: Drama, Action, Comedy, Romance
Stars: Kristel Day, Michael Hollis, Shayne Biddle, Cushla Tangaere, Margy Poi, Rahira Himiona
Crew: Ron Te Kawa (Costume Design), David Whittet (Director)
Country: New Zealand
Runtime: 47 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Oct 09, 2011
IMDb: 10