The story of a lively and curious kitten who is bored in his life as a domestic cat in Paris. His fate changes when ten-year-old Clémence takes him to her country house at the heart of the Vosges. Thus begins an extraordinary adventure through the wilderness for Clémence and Rroû...
Genre: Adventure, Family, Drama, Fantasy
Stars: Capucine Sainson-Fabresse, Corinne Masiero, Nicolas Umbdenstock, Lucie Laurent, Juliette Gillis, Élia St-Pierre
Crew: Paul Cognet (Second Assistant Camera), Léonard Rollin (Digital Imaging Technician), Marie Credou (Costume Design), Julien Le Roux (Location Manager), Benoît Dupont (Gaffer), Sébastien Lane (Electrician)
Country: France, Switzerland
Language: Français
Studio: MC4, JMH & FILO Films
Runtime: 83 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Apr 05, 2023
IMDb: 4.2