Chupke Chupke is a Pakistani romantic comedy television series produced by Momina Duraid under their production banner MD Productions and broadcasts during Ramadan 2021. It is directed by Danish Nawaz edited by Raaf Chaudhary and written by Saima Akram Chaudhry. The first episode of the series was aired on 14 April 2021.
Stars: Hira Soomro, Tarah Mahmood, Sidra Niazi, Salma Asim, Ayesha Mirza, Arsalan Bin Naseer
Crew: Momina Duraid, Danish Nawaz, Saima Akram Chaudhry, Raaf Chaudhary
Country: PK
Studio: Hum TV, Bollywood بالعربي
Runtime: 40:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Apr 14, 2021
Last air date: May 13, 2021
Episode: 30 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 1.2