Life With Lucy is an American sitcom starring Lucille Ball. The show ran on the ABC network in 1986 not on the CBS network as her previous shows had and unlike Ball's previous programs, it was a critical and ratings flop. Only eight out of the thirteen episodes that were filmed aired before ABC cancelled the series. It is the very last sitcom she starred in before her death in 1989.
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Lucille Ball, Gale Gordon, Ann Dusenberry, Larry Anderson, Jenny Lewis, Philip Amelio
Crew: Bruce Chevillat, Douglas S. Cramer, Joseph Dervin Jr., Al Kraus, Bruce Chevillat, Charles F. Wheeler
Country: US
Studio: ABC
Runtime: 26:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Sep 20, 1986
Last air date: Nov 15, 1986
Episode: 8 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 2.7