The Perils of Penelope Pitstop is an American animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions that premiered on CBS on September 13, 1969. The show lasted two full seasons, with a total of 17 half-hour episodes produced and released, the last first-run episode airing on January 17, 1970. Repeats aired until September 4, 1971. It is a spin-off of the Wacky Races cartoon, reprising the characters of Penelope Pitstop and the Anthill Mob. This show airs reruns on Cartoon Network classic channel Boomerang.
Genre: Animation, Kids, Family
Stars: Gary Owens, Paul Winchell, Janet Waldo, Don Messick, Mel Blanc, Paul Lynde
Crew: William Hanna, Alex Lovy, Joseph Barbera
Country: US
Studio: CBS
Runtime: 21:30 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Sep 13, 1969
Last air date: Jan 17, 1970
Episode: 17 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 4.8
Keywords:car race