“Memories Beyond Horizon” is a Chinese reality TV show , created to spotlight emerging domestic talent in film and TV. Produced in collaboration with Zhejiang Television, Alibaba’s Youku video service, and Hong Kong’s TVB, the show features veteran film and television figures mentoring a group of 18 artists from both the mainland and Hong Kong. Each episode focuses on reinterpreting iconic scenes from classic Hong Kong films such as “Infernal Affairs” and “New Dragon Gate Inn” for their acting challenges.
Among the mentors are renowned Hong Kong directors and actors, including Yee Tung-sing and Francis Ng Chun-yu, while participants include graduates from professional acting schools, industry veterans, and individuals known for modeling, singing, or high-profile relationships.
Genre: Reality
Stars: Derek Yee Tung-Sing, Francis Ng Chun-Yu, Han Xue, Hao Lei, Ning Jing, Tony Leung Ka-Fai
Crew: Tong Wu
Country: CN
Studio: Youku
Runtime: 26:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Dec 17, 2022
Last air date: May 11, 2024
Episode: 36 Episode
Season: 2 Season
IMDb: 4.7