

In 2007, the Ice Goblins, led by Danacus, invaded Earth. Despite facing unexpected human resistance, the war lasted for years. However, everything changed when an unforeseen meteor crashed into a city twelve years later. From the supernatural ashes of the rubble, a group of teens rose to power and defeated Danacus. Yet, the retreat of the alien invader signals a looming return. In 2024, rising crime and Skorpion activity hint at his comeback. The "Dragonights" series follows their struggle, a tale of intergalactic conflict, human resilience, and globally recognized heroes.

Genre: ,


Crew: AvatarKage, AvatarKage, Skylar S. Metxlmoon, Azura Skyey

Country: US


Runtime: 26:14 minutes

Quality: HD

First air date: May 01, 2026

Last air date: Jan 01, 1970

Episode: 1 Episode

Season: 1 Season

IMDb: 10