Based on the novel of the same name by Jiro Ikushima, this drama series aired on NET TV (now TV Asahi) in 1972 for a total of 26 episodes. Starring the talented actor Kennosuke Yorozuya, who had previously shown his skills in various period films such as "Mabuta no Haha," "Seki no Yatappe," and "Kutsukake Tokijiro: Yoyo ichi-hiki," the show follows the tragic hero and is sure to captivate audiences with its compelling storyline. Viewers are sure to be drawn into the drama and root for the protagonist as the story unfolds.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Shinsuke Ashida, Jerry Fujio, Kenji Imai, Kinnosuke Nakamura, Go Wakabayashi
Crew: Minoru Matsushima, Shinnosuke Ryu, Yasutada Nagano, Shinnosuke Ogata, Jiro Ikushima, Takeo Watanabe
Country: JP
Studio: tv asahi
Runtime: 50:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Apr 05, 1972
Last air date: Sep 27, 1972
Episode: 26 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 10