Dilbert is an animated television series adaptation of the comic strip of the same name, produced by Adelaide Productions, Idbox, and United Media and distributed by Columbia TriStar Television. The first episode was broadcast on January 25, 1999, and was UPN's highest-rated comedy series premiere at that point in the network's history; it lasted two seasons on UPN and won a Primetime Emmy before its cancellation.
Stars: Daniel Stern, Larry Miller, Gordon Hunt, Chris Elliott, Gary Kroeger, Jim Wise
Crew: Mary Ellen Bauder, Dao Le, Richard J. Gasparian, Bill Thyen, Adam Henry, Andy Schuhler
Country: US
Studio: UPN
Runtime: 22:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jan 25, 1999
Last air date: Jul 25, 2000
Episode: 30 Episode
Season: 2 Season
IMDb: 4.129
Keywords:office, comic book