In the year 20XX, a young boy named Netto Hikari receives a very special gift as he enters the 5th grade: his very own customized Net Navi, Rockman.
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Stars: Kumiko Higa, Akiko Kimura, Yuji Ueda, Kaori Mizuhashi, Masako Jō
Crew: Takao Kato
Country: JP
Studio: TV Tokyo
Runtime: 25:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Mar 04, 2002
Last air date: Sep 30, 2006
Episode: 209 Episode
Season: 5 Season
IMDb: 3.184
Keywords:games, mecha, internet, robot, battle, game, based on video game, rpg, shounen, anime, kodomo, virtual world, proxy battle, henshin heroes, mega man