The story revolves around 20-year-old Makoto, who frequently gets involved in highly dangerous situations, usually against his own judgment. Along for the ride are his best buddies Shun, Masa, and Takashi, the enigmatic leader of a local gang in Ikebukuro.
Genre: Animation, Mystery, Drama
Stars: Kentaro Kumagai, Koki Uchiyama, Reiou Tsuchida, Subaru Kimura, Natsuki Hanae, Chiaki Kobayashi
Crew: Fumihiko Shimo, Hiyori Denforword Akishino, Daisuke Hiraki, TOMATO, Junichiro Taniguchi, Ryuichi Takada
Country: JP
Studio: AT-X
Runtime: 24:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 06, 2020
Last air date: Dec 22, 2020
Episode: 12 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 4.542
Keywords:japan, detective, based on novel or book, yakuza, romance, urban, tokyo, japan, criminal organization, anime