The Home
The story follows the aftermath of the death of an old man, the body of whom is brought back to his home where he lived with only child, Sayeh (Mohadeseh Heyrat). Sayeh is made responsible for organising the funeral that, according to the religion, should happen as soon as possible. While the house is packed with relatives who are ready to follow the rituals, Mr. Ahmedi (Gholamreza Bagheri) from the university hospital delivers the will of the dead man, which states that his body should be donated to the autopsy room of the medical college. Sayeh should follow her father’s wishes, but she doesn’t agree.
Stars: Mohadeseh Heyrat, Ramin Riazi, Fariba sohrabi
Crew: Asghar Yousefinejad (Director), Asghar Yousefinejad (Producer), Asghar Yousefinejad (Writer), Hamid Mehrafrooz (Cinematography)
Language: Azərbaycanفارسی
Runtime: 78 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 28, 2017
IMDb: 4.8