Tayo the Little Bus - Season 7
Tayo the Little Bus is a South Korean computer-generated animated television series created by Educational Broadcasting System, Iconix Entertainment, Seoul and Hot Animation which is owned by HiT Entertainment. The Korean-dubbed series began airing on EBS in 2010 and the English-dubbed series aired on Disney Junior in 2012. The latter is also scheduled to air on Disney Channel and Cartoonito in 2013. The narrator of the UK series is Michael Angelis who also narrates the UK series of Thomas & Friends.
Genre: Animation, Kids, Comedy, Family
Stars: Moon Nam-sook, Um Sang-hyun, Eun Yeong Seon, Jung Sun Hye
Country: KR
Studio: EBS 1
Runtime: 10:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Aug 23, 2010
Last air date: Nov 25, 2021
Episode: 157 Episode
Season: 7 Season
IMDb: 4.3