Dear Father
Set in an old prestigious ryotei (Japanese-style restaurant) in a small town in the center of Tokyo, a young itamae (cook for Japanese dishes) struggles his life, love and work while the long-lasted ryotei and the beloved old town face the change to survive the time. This heartwarming drama shows the intimate relationship of the community that has been lost nowadays, asks what the most important things in your life is, and tells how difficult it is to make a decision. The story is told in the form of a letter from him to his unknown father with lots of humor and love.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Kazunari Ninomiya, Meisa Kuroki, Tatsuo Umemiya, Reiko Takashima, Saki Fukuda, Yu Yokoyama
Crew: Sō Kuramoto, Masaki Nishiura, Rieko Miyamoto
Country: JP
Studio: Fuji TV
Runtime: 26:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jan 11, 2007
Last air date: Mar 22, 2007
Episode: 11 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 2.7